Additional Balance Due After Filing Return
After filing your tax return, if you receive a bill for an additional balance due, you should remit payment electronically, or mail a check/money order along with a payment voucher enclosed with the Statement of Account. For questions, contact the Excise Tax Unit or the Fuel Tax Unit.
Payment Options
Both Liquor excise tax and IFTA taxes can be paid by check/money order or electronic payment. Fuel Distributor, Cigarette, Nicotine Products, Retail Marijuana Sales, Retail Marijuana Excise, and Tobacco Product excise tax must be paid electronically. See below for additional information on each payment method.
Payment Methods
Check or Money Order
If you wish to pay by check or money order, be sure to:
- Make the check or money order payable to the Colorado Department of Revenue.
- Write the Colorado Account Number (CAN) for the IFTA account on the check. Include the filing period dates and the type of excise tax paid in the memo portion of the check.
Cash payments can only be made at the Pierce Street Department of Revenue location (inside the DMV-Entrance A). Visit the Cash Payments web page for more information.
Electronic Payment
You can make a payment through Revenue Online by logging into your ROL account or using other options on the Make a Payment webpage.