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Press Releases
NOTE: This version corrects the dates in the third paragraph from September 23, 2022, and before February 15, 2023 to September 23, 2024, and before February 15, 2025.
LAKEWOOD, Thursday October 17, 2024 -- The Colorado Department of Revenue today announced how much eligible Coloradans can expect to receive in TABOR surplus sales tax refunds in 2025.Eligible Coloradans who fall in the following adjusted gross income ranges will receive:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Eric Maruyama | eric.maruyama@state.co.usDirect File will save Coloradans millions in filing fees and hours of time, help Coloradans collect additional claims and federal credits
Comunicado de Prensa (español)
DENVER - Hoy, el gobernador Jared Polis y el Departamento de Ingresos de Colorado anunciaron que los contribuyentes afectados por los huracanes Helene y Milton ahora tienen hasta el 1 de mayo de 2025 para presentar diversas declaraciones de impuestos individuales y empresariales, así como para realizar pagos de impuestos.
El Departamento de Ingresos de Colorado anunció hoy cuánto pueden esperar recibir los habitantes de Colorado elegibles en reembolsos de impuestos sobre las ventas en seis niveles de TABOR en 2025.Los residentes de Colorado elegibles (soltero/a y conjunto) que se encuentren dentro de los siguientes rangos de ingresos brutos ajustados recibirán:
Direct File ahorrará a los habitantes de Colorado millones en tarifas de presentación de declaración y horas de trabajo, y ayudará a los habitantes de Colorado a recaudar créditos federales.
Rulemaking Announcements
The Colorado Department of Revenue, Division of Taxation, will hold a public rulemaking hearing on the income tax rule listed below on January 30, 2025, at 10:30 a.m.
The Colorado Department of Revenue, Division of Taxation, is hosting a workgroup meeting at 10:00 a.m. December 12, 2024, to discuss the promulgation of a new rule to implement the partnership adjustment reporting requirements established by House Bill 23-1277.
The Colorado Department of Revenue, Division of Taxation, is hosting a workgroup meeting to discuss the promulgation of a new income tax rule regarding the alternative transportation options income tax credit enacted in House Bill 22-1026.