Request for Public Comment - HB23-1091 Child Care Contribution Tax Credit Report

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The Colorado Department of Revenue, Division of Taxation, is seeking public comment regarding the final report on the child care contribution tax credit study.  As required by HB23-1091, the Department studied the credit and has developed recommendations around five goals set forth in the bill:

  • Further measuring the effectiveness of the tax credit;
  • Improving the structure, oversight, and administration of the tax credit;
  • Developing mechanisms to inform taxpayers and eligible child care facilities and programs about the availability of the tax credit;
  • Ensuring the tax credit is equitably promoting child care in all communities; and
  • Allowing donations of in-kind real property to qualify as an eligible contribution to promote child care.

A copy of the final report may be downloaded by clicking the link below.  The final report may be accessed through our public drive for this study along with materials and comments from past workgroup meetings.

We appreciate the strong public participation to date and would greatly appreciate written feedback on the final report. Please submit comments by email to  Written comments will be accepted through Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at 5:00PM.  The comments received will be included as an appendix to the final report submitted to the General Assembly on July 31, 2024.

Final Report